Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Power Station
Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Power Station, established in the state of Missouri, USA, is one of the most amazing. The water will be pumped back into the reservoir using more than the amount of power generated by the plant. At first glance, this sounds like a stupid thing.

But the reservoir that supplies water to this plant is not a natural one. Because this is a tank built artificially out of concrete on a mountain. There is not a single natural water source for this. 

Process of other power plants

Electricity produced in power plants cannot be stored. What is happening is that electricity is generated immediately and added to the system to meet the demand. But to supply electricity continuously to meet demand, we must always increase the capacity of the system. Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Power Station was designed as a solution to this problem.

Peak time is the peak power consumption (6 to 9 pm and early morning). Thermal power stations should be able to generate electricity to meet the demand for electricity at this time. This does not make a profit. And the Off-Peak time is a time when not much electricity is consumed. Solar, wind, and water power plants that can't be turned off at the moment are wasted as they don't consume much electricity because they can't be stored.


How Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Power Station Works

During the Peak time, the water from the Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Power Station's tank is used for rotating the turbine. It is turned on to produce electricity. The discharge water flows into another tank below the plant. This reduces the use of thermal power plants. 

During the off-peak period, the waste of electricity from the system (wind, solar power) is used to power the motor, and by the tank below the plant, refills the top tank. Therefore, what really happens is that we are filling this huge water tank with wasted electricity. When the demand is high, it generates electricity from water in the top tank. This will save the cost of generating electricity from thermal power plants. 

Therefore, the electricity generated by the Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Power Station is worth more than a real hydropower plant. 

In fact, this huge water tank is a giant battery that stores waste electricity and releases it on time !!

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